
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Testing your skillsssssssssssss.

     So, I am back from church! We had a very good Palm Sunday message. But today I want to talk about what we talked about in our teenage class.
     Today, we talked about how we all have a skill, or gift, that God has given us to use for his glory. It could be compassion, mercy, wisdom, or anything similar that God can use for his glory. I believe that by trusting in God, and believing he can use you, you can do great things through Christ. After all, the Bible says so(Phillipians 4:13). But it made me wonder. Am I using the gifts that God has given me to glorify him and bring people to Christ? If God has given me a gift that not many other people have, then that means that it is my responsibility to make sure that I'm using that gift for his glory. We all have gifts, but are we using them the way God wants us to?
     We also talked about unsaved people. They all have gifts, too, right? But since they are not using them the way God intended(if they are using them at all), does that mean it is really a God-given gift? I compared the gift to a deactivated account, like an e-mail or a Facebook account. Everything is there, but is it used? Only when someone is specifically planning to use it, does it actually become something used and valued. I'm still not sure yet whether there are problems with that analogy................
     But the bottom line of my blog post today is this: are we all, as Christians, using the gifts that God has specifically given us the way he wants them used?


  1. Yay! Great post! I love it when teens are posting thought-provoking stuff about God! This is something that is hard to determine. Sometimes people don't know what their gifts are. Thankfully God has shown me, but when people don't know, its always good to pray. And its good to tell people what theirs might be if you see it in them. What do you think yours is Jacob?

    Maybe not a flawless analogy, but I liked it.

  2. Still not sure. Maybe compassion. ;)

  3. Hey Jacob, this is REALLY good. I'm so glad to hear that you are thinking about things like this. I'm proud of you and happy that the Lord is using you.

    Yeah, as Christians, our gifts can go unrecognized and unused. But the Lord would want us to share our gifts with others, and by doing so, we would further His kingdom! It's really important to make sure we know what our gifts are. You should ask someone that you know well, that way you can develop it even more!

  4. Thanks for the advice! I'll do that.
