
Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm officially tall.

     Well, I was looking through photos of our vacation, and I found these photos.

I'm taller than Hannah!!!!
I've been waiting for this day for years(my whole life, actually).
I just had to point that out. Bye!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm Back From Vacation!!!!!!!

     I am finally back from vacation!!!!! It has been awhile since I have posted, but I'm back now. I am going to make the LONGEST and the MOST BORING blog post you can imagine, so you might have to hang around for awhile. Grab some popcorn and turn on a movie, and about the time the movie is done, you will be done reading this blog post. I'm not joking.
     Well, on Thursday morning(June 16), my family left for Florida. The trip was very short, it felt like, but in about 12 hours we were at our grandparent's house. The next morning, we left for Panama City to set up our campsite. We picked up our rented camper and set up the site, then slept peacefully until the next morning.

Saturday, June 18

     We got up at 5:00 A.M. to go to a family reunion that we managed to interlace with our vacation schedule. It was a boring three hour drive, and all I did was stare out the window. When we finally got there, we hung out with our first cousins some before the reunion started.
     This was a reunion for my great grandmother, who is very old and close to passing on. All of her 7 children and 14 grandchildren were there, plus some of her great-grandchildren. All of her children talked about how great of a mother she had been to them, and how it had helped them raise their children in God's Word. Then we watched a video with stories from her children about their life with her, and it lasted for over an hour. After that, we had lunch(fried chicken, assorted sides, and homemade deserts. Then, we all came back into the sanctuary(by the way, we were in a church that my great-grandma and great-grandpa built) and sang some songs. Some of the children gave testimonies and talked about how God had gifted them with a great mother who had always helped them in their struggles.
     What we all thought would just be a get-together quickly seemed to turn into a moving church service. We all sang many hymns and at many points, people would get up and give testimonies about my great-grandma. Then they would talk about how God had blessed their lives. It made me happy to know that I'm blessed with a family that loves God.
     When we got back, we went to swim. The flag was yellow for winds and caution, but it is almost always like that in Panama City. We swam until we were tired out, and then went back to the camper to sleep.
     I don't think I have ever mentioned this, but I sleep walk every night. Don't laugh!!! I can't help it. The first night of our vacation, I ended up sleeping in my sister's little bed. She woke up in the dead of night to find me peacefully sleeping in her little bed and patiently moved me back to my bed.
     This night, I ended up at the table booth.

Sunday, June 19

     I woke up, still sleepy, and wished my dad a happy father's day and gave him a big hug that about popped his eyeballs out. Then I ate breakfast and laid back in bed.
     After about ten minutes of this(once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep), I got up and welcomed our relatives, who were at the reunion and came down to the campsite next to us. They were my dad's younger brother, so my uncle, wife, and three cousins were there. Three cousin's names are Kristina, who is 16, Nicholas, who is 14, and Anna, who is 8 and the youngest cousin.
     My grandparents on my dad's side(so the parents of both my dad and uncle) camped at the spot next to my uncle's, so we were all right next to each other. We had to book in January to get those arrangements.
     We immediately whipped out a grill and started to make pork chops. They were delicious! P.S. Are you getting tired of reading? Because I'm getting tired of typing.
     After lunch, we rounded up a group of cousins to go to the Jetties, a spot to swim in the bay right before it hits the Gulf of Mexico. We had a good time there and then came back to the camper while our cousins knee-boarded with some new jet-skis they bought.
     For dinner, we had our big meal of the week: steaks on the grill. They were great! They weren't the steaks we usually buy, though, so I can't say they were my favorite, but they were good, just the same. After dinner, we hung around with our family and talked about what had been going on lately. The adults did most of the talking; we kids played board games, card tricks, and talked about how our lives were going.
     That night, some of the boys went fishing in the bay, while most of the girls(and me) continued playing board games and card tricks. After awhile, some of us went to our uncle's camper to watch a movie, and I went to bed, where I had restless sleep and crazy dreams about the next day.

(If you're still reading this, I have to admit, you're doing very well. Here comes round two.)

Monday, June 20

     Well, on this morning, I woke up and realized what had happened that night. My dad told me that I had slept in his bed for part of the night, and that he had told me to go back to my bed, which I did.
     I got up and realized we were out of those little donuts you get at the store, the powdered type, so I went back to my bed, thoroughly depressed. But after awhile, I decided to skip breakfast, even though we had cereals and such.
     Today we went back to the Jetties to snorkel. It was so fun to see the little fish that you don't usually see in fresh water. The Jetties had little blue ones and red ones and eels and crabs and manta rays and sting rays-well, basically, they had a lot of different fish. My family saw all listed above, except an eel.
     After swimming ourselves sore, we came back to the campsite for a bite of lunch and went to the gulf. It was yellow flag again, but that didn't stop us. We enjoyed the big waves, the crashing water, and the feel of the water in your toes. We didn't like the undertow, though, and it pulled my younger brother out one time. It was kind of scary.
     Now we came home really tired. My parents plopped down to take a nap, naturally, and I went to my cousin's camper to play card games and watch movies.
     At nighttime, one of our cousins decided to come and sleep in our camper. And so another day passed.

Tuesday, June 21

     Today we woke up and pretty much did the same thing as yesterday.

Wednesday, June 22

     On this day, we went tubing out at the bay.
     It was amazing!!!!! You really had to hold on tight. At one point, my cousin playfully called his dad a  
 "little wimp", so he decided to take my cousin on a special little ride. And boy, did he fly off.
     When we were done tubing, I just went back to my camper and hung out for the rest if the day, exhausted.

Thursday, June 23

     The same as Monday and Tuesday.

Friday, June 24

     We came home.

     A special thank you to my family for taking me on this vacation, and to you, if you took the time to read this.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


     Ok, I think I haven't shared any of my favorite songs, so here goes. Listen to this song and then come back to my blog. P.S. To get these songs, just drag it to the top and click Enter.

     I ADORE THIS SONG WITH EVERY PARTICLE IN MY BODY!!! Now for a song in Inception. This song just makes me want to burst with happiness!!!! If you haven't seen Inception, I won't spoil it for you, but here it is for those of you who do know.

     I'm never going to able to walk into an airport again without crying. And........

     Well, those are my three favorite songs. Enjoy them!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Should We Be Burdened For Others?

     Alright, I know I'm blogging for the second time today, but if I don't go ahead and talk about this I won't remember what I wanted to say. :)
     Today I wanted to talk about being burdened for others. I believe that this can be one of the harder Christian issues to handle, because it involves work, spiritual and physical. Some so called "Christians", would rather just sit back and feel like they were forgiven. I have experienced with this, unfortunately; I have gone to churches with over 2,000 attendees per week, and some of them are definitely just enjoying feeling forgiven.
     But before I talk about telling people about Christ, I think we all must understand it has to be God's will, and we must do it the way he thinks is right.

"Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge."
                                                                             -Proverbs 23:12

"Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way."
                                                                            -Proverbs 23:19

     God wants us to tell people about him, but we must go about it the right way. I believe that listening to God through prayer and reading the Bible are the best two ways to do this. Paul speaks to Timothy in 1st Timothy, speaking to him:

"Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine."
                                                                            -1st Timothy 4:13

     Once we feel ready by God and through the Word, we can set out to overcome Satan and give salvation to others!
     I'm sad to say that I need more Bible reading and prayer on the direct way of coming up to someone and giving them the ultimate gift of the gospel. I will come back and tell you all when I find better answers to this issue.
     But I do know that we need to be careful walking up to just anyone and immediately telling them about the word of God.

"Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words."
                                                                           -Proverbs 23:9

     Some people are just flat out stubborn on the issue of Christ. They will need special prayer and special thought.
     Well, that mostly wraps up this post. Only one final thing to discuss.
     I believe that we need to let people read a little of God's word. Giving a small Bible passage reading or just giving a small Bible could help a possible critical spiritual situation. God's simple words have given many people hope and faith, and I believe that Bible reading is essential.
     That's all for today.

Mammoth Cave!!!

     So, I didn't blog yesterday, beacause my family went to MAMMOTH CAVE!!!!!!!
     I was looking forward to it, and I thought it was going to be fun. When we got there however, I saw some of the pictures and the elevation, I started to get nervous. My dad had to pick the Grand Avenue tour, of course, the second longest. It goes 4 1/2 miles long and is 4 hours long in time.
     I looked at him. "Could we please take a shorter tour for starters, please?" I asked weakly.
     "It will be fun," was his only response to that.
      So, we got on a bus and drove to a manmade entrance. I started to freak out as we walked to the small little passage. This is us about to walk in the miniature passageway:

Then we entered the little passage. We went down a pair of endless steps. I was very close to hyperventilating. 
On and on it went. It was 180 steps before we reached the bottom. We made it to the bottom, and one of the worst parts was the slam of the ranger shutting the door up above. It made the whole cave echo. Many people asked what the loud slam was, because no one knew at the time. Thankfully, we had an old park ranger that had gone on this tour many times, and he was the type of person you can't help trusting. Here is us in the cave:

All of that light is artificial light. I got much better after I got over how deep we were underground, and I actually started to enjoy myself.
After a while we made it to a lunch area. 250 feet underground, can you believe it? They had an elevator above that brought the food down, as well as the equipment.

I was a bit uncomfortable with eating underground, so I just got a Starburst pack and only ate half of it. I mostly just looked at the ceilings and walls. Notice the writing on the ceiling and the walls? In the 1800s, before the Civil War, people paid slave guides to go down and guide them through the cave. They would pay them to mark their names on the walls, and sometimes the date!! I saw one that was from 1851!!!! That was probably my favorite part of the tour.
At the end of the tour, we got to see loads of stalactites and stalagmites. It was so cool!!!

We came out at the surface with no stairs. I wish we had come in that way and came out the other way!!! 
We came out of the national park. I didn't mention this earlier, but the people outside the park in Cave City were running some SUPER cheesy ads. There were ten-foot tall concrete chickens and little stone statues. I thought it was a horrible eyesore and I wish we could run those people out of there. We ate at Tumbleweed's Grill afterward in Glasglow. It was good.
Well, that is pretty much my trip to Mammoth Cave yesterday. I hope I didn't bore you to death!

Monday, May 30, 2011


     So........... YAY! Summer's here!
     I haven't been blogging because I have been lazy. The honest truth. I HAVE been busy, but I mostly have just been lazy a of late.
    So, I went to the Wones party on Friday! It was loads of fun! I played 4 square, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, and egg-tossing! I also got to play throw-a-wet-sponge-at-someone-and-watch-it-splatter-in-their-faces too!!! We also played hide-and-go-seek in the dark! You might think that is too old for 8th graders and up, but we love kiddy stuff! I thought that was a load of fun. I wasn't caught(of course). Ok that's braggy! Sorry.
     There was only one problem with the party. I walked on solid asphalt barefoot for about seven hours, and my legs were hurting. When I woke up on Sunday, I could hardly walk. So, other than that, it was a great party!
    Ok, if you haven't watched the Chick-Fil-A: See You On Monday song, you have got to watch it! Yes, you've got to. I decided to come up with some alternate lyrics for the song. Listen to the song, and imagine the guy's voice and the music to this:

I've got somethin' to say.
I've never wanted somethin' so bad in my lifetime,
But I can't have it, because it's Wednesday.
And I'm with you, UCA.

It all started, I was driving down the street,
Saw a church with a sign tellin' me where I should be
UCA, man, yo, then I started trippin,
Love at first sight when I see you alright.
My whole world stands still,
Stuck in time and space,
One whole day at my favorite place,
Yeah, I'm with my friends today,
Three little syllables, UCA.

UCA, you feel so far away.
UCA, I'll see you on Thursday.

The Dooleys, the Jones, the Counts, OH MY!!!
When I think about the Martins, I just cry and cry,
I'm like a little boy feelin' like a million bucks
When I walk up to my friends and I give them some hugs.

     So that is as far as I've gotten on my song. I hope you liked it!
     The last thing today is that I would like to honor our troops today, on Memorial Day for serving in the armed forces and being willing to die for our country. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Most Hasty Trip to Florida!!

     Well, I had to make an emergency trip to Florida with my family(long story), but on the way back, I got to go to the Lego store in Birmingham!*Yells, runs in circles, hyperventilates, runs outside and jumps up and down, and runs back inside*It was AMAZING!!!!!! I got a Pick a Brick Cup(a cup that you can fill up and buy a small cup for $7.99 and a large for $14.99), the 40017 Easter Basket, and 4191 Pirates of the Caribbean Captain's Cabin.
     I haven't blogged in a week because I have been busy and on an emergency trip. I know no one really cares, but I apologize. I should be back blogging again now that I'm back on schedule. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     The title pretty much sums it up. Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     A flash flood hit my area today, and the bottom floor of part of my family's basement is wet! Part of my Lego collection IS SOAKED!!!!!!!!*weeps uncontrollably*What am I going to do???????
     Consider this a ruined day. Oh well.
     But there is good news! Last Friday, I heard Owl City on the radio, and they were singing "In Christ Alone"!!! It is not my favorite song, but Owl City makes it sound awesome! Check it out!
     So this has been an extremely frenzied post, but I'm so nervous! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What's So Special About My Car?

     So, I was thinking today, and it made me laugh when I thought about it. Why is the back of my car so special? Anyone want a guess? Yes, it has to do with Legos(you should have seen this coming). What makes the back of my car special is that on the school day we have every week, I pack up my creations and show them off at the end of classes. I bring both finished and unfinished projects, special minifigures, and even Lego catalogs and magazines. So, if you go to my school, a heads up to you that if you ever want to see anything I've built, just come to my car after classes.
     I am really tired today. All I want to do is go to take a nappy-poo. But something in me says I need to stay up and be active, so I'm sitting here and making this blog post(the height of active). My sister and brother are going for a walk, but I'm not THAT active today.
     I guess I should go run in circles for a few minutes(a favorite pastime of mine), so that concludes this most epic and amazing blog post. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Day With My Piano Lessons!

     I know, I'm sorry, I haven't posted in a while, but I have been building feverishly on a tank I have now finished! So now that it's finished and out of the way, I thought I might make a blog post.
     So, my day started out by going out for my piano lessons. My sister and brother take lessons as well. We have the most fun teacher in the world! She knows how to make piano fun while learning how to play. After my piano lessons, went to a restaurant we have in town, and we went shopping for a bit before finally coming home.
     That is pretty much what happened today. I would like to throw that I miss all my friends at UCA, and I  hope that I will get some time to see them on Thursday. I don't know how I am going to survive this summer without seeing any of my friends! :( Well, I'll find a way somehow. My sister will probably have some people over this summer, so I will probably see some of the people at UCA this summer.
     I am just obsessed with this tank I built. To see it go to And I haven't mentioned this, go to to see my MOCPages site.
     Bye, guys!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Okay, I made up a pretty bad riddle, but I want to see who can solve it. Please forgive my terrible riddle-making.

STOP! Go no farther! This must be solved,
But if you hate riddles, please don't get involved, 
But if you do, sit back and quietly jog your brain,
Otherwise, this riddle will drive you insane.

Now, think of a creature that hunts in the night,
And when it is dark, its eyes shine out bright,

A creature that always attacks its prey's back,
The creature whose muscles will rarely go slack.

A creature that is smart and cunning,
But, when seen, its appearance is stunning,

And, now, this creature lives close to Hong Kong,
But, unlike its fellows, will swim all day long. 

I am extremely sorry, this is a really bad, and a probably stupid sounding riddle, but it is the best I could come up with in five minutes. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Testing your skillsssssssssssss.

     So, I am back from church! We had a very good Palm Sunday message. But today I want to talk about what we talked about in our teenage class.
     Today, we talked about how we all have a skill, or gift, that God has given us to use for his glory. It could be compassion, mercy, wisdom, or anything similar that God can use for his glory. I believe that by trusting in God, and believing he can use you, you can do great things through Christ. After all, the Bible says so(Phillipians 4:13). But it made me wonder. Am I using the gifts that God has given me to glorify him and bring people to Christ? If God has given me a gift that not many other people have, then that means that it is my responsibility to make sure that I'm using that gift for his glory. We all have gifts, but are we using them the way God wants us to?
     We also talked about unsaved people. They all have gifts, too, right? But since they are not using them the way God intended(if they are using them at all), does that mean it is really a God-given gift? I compared the gift to a deactivated account, like an e-mail or a Facebook account. Everything is there, but is it used? Only when someone is specifically planning to use it, does it actually become something used and valued. I'm still not sure yet whether there are problems with that analogy................
     But the bottom line of my blog post today is this: are we all, as Christians, using the gifts that God has specifically given us the way he wants them used?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Across Tennessee and Apologies :)

     Well, I'm here for another amazing blog post! I'm pretty hyped up because I found out that they are putting a Lego store in Opry Mills when it re-opens in Spring 2012!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!*runs around in circles for a few minutes*This will be the nearest Lego store for 250 miles!!! YAY!!!!!!*runs around in circles for a few more minutes* Ok, anyway, I'm sorry, but I had a real opening blog post, but somehow it was deleted!!!*Dan-da-da-DUH!*And then, I was afraid my account had been hacked in to!!!*Dan-da-da-DUH! But hopefully it wasn't, because then people could post mean things about me! At least I don't have THAT many mortal enemies. Oh well.
     So, today, me and my church distributed around 600 packets to people in our area, inviting them to our church for Easter Sunday! It always feels good to do something for the Lord! OW!!!! OW, OW, OWWWWWW!!!! I just banged my hip on the side of the desk!!!!! OW!!!!!!! Wow, that hurts. Sorry for that rude interruption.
     Anyway, I hope we get a bunch of people to come to our church so our Dad can preach the Word to them! Everyone needs to hear about God, of course, and I'm sure that a few of those packets will be thrown away before people can read them, but hopefully, some will decide to come to church, and maybe even give their lives to the Lord!!! YAY FOR MERCY FROM GOD!!!!*runs around in circles for a full fifteen minutes*I am so happy that God didn't turn his back on us, when we turned our backs on him!!!!
     Well, Hannah is laughing at me for hitting my hip on the desk, so I need to go and give her a piece of my mind! Bye, Guys! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


     So................................ Pretty much a normal Friday for me. Finished school, looked out the window, ran in circles for a few minutes, watched a movie, and then, of course, built with some Legos!
     I haven't mentioned this, at least not on this blog, but I am CRAZY about Legos! My life practically revolves around the little bricks. I buy Lego with every cent I have, I build usually more than one hour a day, and it is pretty much all I talk about. Just thought you might wanna know, because I have a whole other blog devoted to Lego, and because it will probably be mentioned on this one a pretty good bit.
     Right now, I'm debating over whether to go to bed at 6:00 or stay up all night. I'll probably go with the first one, because I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately. 
     So................................. This has been a boring blog post. I'm sorry that you had to waste your time. :)